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Enterprise, Data and Solution Architecture Services

Software Defined Networks

Wireless Private Networks

Cloud/Edge Computing

Private, Cloud & Hybrid Data Centre Solutions

Mobile and IOT Solutions

Smart City Solutions

Smart City design very much simulates a neural network where real-time data and analysis can provide citizens with a greater quality of life and improved service delivery. In partnership with various technology partners and the use of their cloud, IoT, Big Data and AI technologies, Nihka are able to design and implement a smart city ecosystem.

Nihka is bringing forward a connected city by providing both open data from different government sectors, modern data security and three main platforms to make a change.

Microsoft Solutions

In the Digital Age, gaining a competitive advantage depends on how quickly the business can adapt and get the necessary technology functional. This includes flexibility, faster time to value, ease of scaling the volume of work and resources up or down, getting new revenue streams up and running faster.

The ‘as-a-service’ model, or consumption-based model, attempts to make as much of its service chain or supply chain as elastic as possible.

Nihka Technology Group offers companies scalable, consumption-based services supported by analytics, cloud and automation to quickly deliver business value. This way of work ensures positive disruption and innovation to support fluid business models.

Managed Services

Nihka Technology Group has developed a model that integrates the Microsoft 365 applications and provides the best collaboration and analytics through the use of PowerBI, SharePoint, MS Planner and MS Teams. Optimizing team performance and integration with solutions that are easily adaptable to any business model.

Nihka Edge

Nihka EDGE is our interactive training offering tailored to meet the unique needs of the customer. We encourage full engagement and sustainable development. We insert personal development exercises and emotional intelligence learning to create a life-changing experience. With a focus on fun and authenticity, our participants are uplifted and up skilled.

Evolve. Develop. Grow. Empower.

Nihka Shift

Nihka SHIFT is the Nihka Technology Group’s transformational Change Management methodology. While it contains elements of traditional change management models, it focuses more on the transformation of the individuals in a positive way.

While “Change” uses external influences to modify actions, “Transformation” modifies beliefs so actions become natural and thereby achieve the desired result.

Sustainable. High-Performing. Inspired. Fun. Transformation.